Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Jam dinding buat org kutu buku.....KEREN

ini penjelasannya :

1 Legendre's constant

2 "An infinite number of mathematicians..."

3 A Unicode character as a HTML entity

4 Modular arithmetic

5 The Golden Mean reworked a little

6 Three Factorial (3*2*1)

7 6.99999.. Though a different number than 7, still equals 7

8 Graphical representation of Binary code

9 An example of a base-4 number

10 A Binomial Coefficient

11 An example of Hexadecimal encoding

12 The cube root is the inverse of 12^3


  1. agustina dwi prasetyaMay 18, 2009 at 5:21 PM

    na mau jam tangan tuw nco..


    KEREN BGT!!!

  2. agustina dwi prasetyaMay 18, 2009 at 5:28 PM

    na mu ralat ncoooo

    jam dinding!!

    pikiran na ge gak fokus ma 1 hal ja,,

    na jg ge kerjain tgs.




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